Share your voice.
Help shape the conversation around trauma healing.
Get involved with #OurWordsHeal:
Follow us and engage. Share events, resources, your ideas and stories using the hashtag #OurWordsHeal.
Connect others to healing resources you love. Tell us about your favorite free trauma-healing tips, resources, events or ideas at ourwordsheal@gmail.com or fill out our simple event submission form.
Take part in the #HealingBecause campaign. Share testimonials, photos and video clips on social media about why you’re healing using #HealingBecause.
Start a conversation with one of our custom t-shirts. Created by young men and women who are healing and helping others heal from trauma, the proceeds of every purchase supports the #OurWordsHeal campaign and the Center for Nonviolence and Social Justice at Drexel University. Show it off using the hashtag #OurWordsHeal!
Help us promote the campaign with these easy-to-use,
downloadable assets.
#HealingBecause Graphics
Getting the conversation started is as easy as…
1. Select and print one of the questions above.
2: Snap a picture of your answer.
3: Post and tag us on social media.